mandag 31. desember 2012

{DIY sleeping mask}

I love the fact that the days are longer during summer time, but this also means that the sun is coming up early.. Right now that starts around 4 in the morning!
Our curtain project helped a little with the problem of not being able to sleep in very long on the weekends, but I was still waking up too early for my liking.
So, I finally decided to sew a sleeping mask. I don’t know why I waited so long to make one! I feel SO much more rested in the mornings, since I don’t keep waking up every half our or so from the sun shining through our bedroom window — which gets full morning sun.
What you’ll need:
  • fabric
  • iron-on batting (I think this is what it’s called in English..)
  • elastic tape
  • sewing machine and thread

How to:
  1. Use this template to transfer the shape onto two pieces of fabric and two pieces of iron-on batting.
  2. Cut the fabric and batting, giving about 1/4″ seam allowance.
  3. Iron the batting on the backside of the fabric.
  4. Secure the two pieces of fabric (with the elastic tape inside) right side together with pins.
  5. Sew shut, but leave a little gap to turn it right side out.
  6. After turning it the right way, sew shut by hand.
  7. Sweet dreams!
I’m partying here

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